Silage Additive
Pearce Seeds provide Micron Bio-Systems’ Advance range of silage inoculants.
Major benefits
- Unlocks energy
- Reduces nutrient loss
- Reduces heating
- Improves aerobic stability
- Reduces mould formation and growth
- Easy to apply
- Suitable for use in organic systems
Role of Enzymes
Enzymes unlock the energy from plant lignins and significantly increase the digestibility of treated forages with improvements of up to 20%. Extra energy goes directly to milk which drives profits.
Role of Lactic Acid
Lactic acid bacteria reduce spoilage of forage. They do this by dropping the pH fast by producing lactic acid. Micron’s own unique blend of bacteria in Advance silage inoculants optimizes the speed with which pH drops after ensiling. This results in minimum nutrient loss and a more stable silage.
Role of Acetic Acid
Micron’s Lactobacillus brevis produces acetic acid and this slows the growth of spoilage organisms (yeasts and moulds) in silage and TMR rations. The silage is made more stable and consistent.
Role of Microbial Stimulants
The bacteria in the Advance range of inoculants are in a dormant state and need activating when applied to forage. The Advance crop specific stimulants do this and also provide a boost to the Advance silage inoculants when added to the silage. Value: Stimulating the bacteria ensures maximum activity once rehydrated.