Organic Winter Wheat
Consistently top yielding in Pearce seeds organic trials, the variety offers a good option for the feed market, with stiff straw and an excellent overall disease resistance package with good grain quality.
An interesting feed wheat that did well in Pearce seeds trials with very good bushel weight. Excellent disease profile with an 8 for fusarium and scoring a 6 for Septoria 9 YR gives it a good disease profile which has helped it perform in the organic trials – it looked clean through its growing season. With its suitability for late drilling it does well in an organic situation.
A good feed wheat demonstrating a vigorous growth habit while showing good resistance to the foliar diseases, mildew and yellow rust the variety was amongst the higher yielding varieties in our organic 2018 trials.
In our organic trials this new milling wheat showed a good combination of yield and specific weight –interesting to have a bread-making wheat capable of producing protein requirements and be supported with a decent yield. Does well in the west against feed wheat yields as well with high disease ratings.
Although not the highest yielding in our south west trials, it still offered good yields and demonstrated a vigorous growth habit so it can get away quickly and out-compete the weeds while showing good resistance to the foliar diseases with top resistance for Yellow rust and mildew and with a 6.8 for septoria makes it a good South West choice.
A high yielding hard feed wheat with excellent disease resistance. Theodore has the highest Septoria tritici scores of all the varieties on the AHDB recommended List 2020. Theodore also has the highest score for yellow and strong for brown rust. Theodore copes with a range of soil types and does well in both a 1st and 2nd wheat situation.