Winter Wheat
Group 1 - C4148 Hurricane
Giving high yields of quality grain in the South West, with stiff straw and very good all round disease resistance – Needs to be given priority at harvest due to tendency to sprout. It is best suited for sowing after 20th September and should not be sown earlier due to its rapid development.
KWS Siskin
Group 2 - KWS Sterling x Timaru
KWS Siskin has a big yield and compares well with feed wheats. A vigorous variety with a relatively fast speed of development. Not suitable for early drilling and best drilled in the main drilling window up until the end of October. Medium to high tillering capacity and seems to be competitive against black-grass. Top resistance for Yellow rust and mildew and with a 6.8 for septoria makes it a good South West choice.
KWS Extase
Group 2 - Boisseau x Solheio
An early maturing variety with excellent protein and grain quality with good resistance to sprouting, a medium height stiff strawed variety. Has the second highest Septoria resistance score on the RL at 8.1 and has a good combination of resistance to yellow and brown rust and also shows moderate resistance to Fusarium.
KWS Firefly
Group 3 Cougar x KWS Rowan
Firefly has the highest untreated yield of the group 3 wheats. A short variety with stiff straw. OWBM resistant with a Septoria resistance of 7.0 making it a versatile variety with a strong disease package and high yield to rival feed wheats.
Group 4 - Arden x Skelmeje
Anapolis has delivered impressive yields in Pearce Seeds trials. Excellent disease profile with an 8 for fusarium, it is particularly suited to follow maize; very leafy and suits a whole crop position as well. Good overall disease scoring and consistently high yields in Pearce trials with a 6.5 for Septoria and 9 Yellow Rust. It never made NL but was identified through Pearce seeds own trial work as a variety that would suit our after maize demand choice for feed wheat. Better in a later drilling position.
Group 4 - Celebration x DSV 50117
Hard feed wheat exclusive to Pearce Seeds with the highest yields both treated and untreated plots in our trials, it was also the highest yielding 2nd wheat in our trials.. With good grain quality and tall straw it suits both feed wheat and wholecrop options. It has an excellent disease resistance profile with one of the best overall disease packages - compared to other varieties currently on the AHDB recommended list and continues to perform well on farm. Can be sown from middle of September onwards.
Group 4 - Expert X Premio
High yielding in the West in particular – attributed to its outstanding disease resistance especially against Septoria tritici with a 6.8. The variety exhibits good all-round disease resistance although it is not resistant to Orange Wheat Blossom Midge. It is also early maturing and moderately tall and very stiff. It can be grown across a range of soil types but it is probably best suited to medium or heavy soils. Suited to early drilling as has slow autumn speed of development but shouldn't go in before 10th September because of eyespot resistance - 4 and performs best as a first wheat.
Group 4 - Cassius x Hereford
High yielding and relatively early to mature - gives good yields in a 1st wheat situation but particularly higher yielding in a 2nd wheat position. Good Yellow Rust and Mildew resistance with a 6.3 for Septoria trit. It has moderate resistance to lodging but responds well to growth regulators. Highest performance on medium and light soil types.
Group 4 - Timaru x W151
Good all round disease spec, excellent Mildew, Yellow Rust and good Septoria tritici ratings. Although not the highest yield its main outstanding quality is its superb bushel weight offering highest specific weight on the list across all the groups and even in a poor year can offer the insurance of least variability. It also offers the best agberg of all feed varieties confirming its end quality. It performs very well across all regions and soil types and is a stable variety. It is best suited to the main drilling window and probably best grown as a first wheat. A medium to high tillering variety with a medium speed of development. Not resistant to Orange Wheat Blossom Midge.
Group 4 - KWS Kielder x Hereford
A high yielding, hard feed wheat, with a strong disease resistance. Early maturity and OWBM are welcome additions. Good straw strength and excellent resistance to lodging and consistent performance. Suitable for all soil types and has a wide flexible drilling window. Septoria score is 6.3, Specific weight: 76.3kg. Good second wheat performance.
LG Skyscraper
Group 4
Is one of the highest yielding soft feed wheat available. Which offers a combination of agronomic merits with good grain quality. A tall straw variety which responds well to PGR treatment. OWBM resistant and a score of 5.0 for Septoria. Performs well in all rotational situations and all soil types.
RGT Saki
Group 4 Cougar x KWS Santiago
This very high yielding, newly recommended Group 4 variety exhibits outstanding disease resistance. With excellent treated as well as untreated yields. This, together with OWBM resistance, relatively short straw and good grain quality, helps RGT Saki deliver consistent performances across all UK regions, rotational slots and soil types.
SY Insitor
Group 4 AB111-1011 x Hereford
A very high-yielding, hard-milling feed variety recommended for the UK. It has high Hagbergs and specific weight. SY Insitor has given very high treated yields throughout the UK, as well as across a range of soil types, rotational positions and in a late sowing situation (based on limited data). This medium-tall variety has moderate resistance to lodging but responds well to plant growth regulators. It has high resistance to septoria tritici and fusarium ear blight, combined with resistance to orange wheat blossom midge.
Group 4 Stigg x Tuxedo
Theodore is a hard feed wheat with good disease resistance. It has outstanding yield in untreated trials (88% of treated controls), making it a farmer-friendly variety to grow in the future with the ever increasing reductions in fungicides use. This variety has performed very well in trials particularly in the West country, with a treated yield of 102% of controls. Theodore has the highest Septoria tritici score 8.2. Theodore also has the highest score for yellow rust and a strong brown rust score of 7. Overall it has a robust and all-round package for disease resistance. Standing at 82cm, Theodore has good resistance to lodging in both treated and untreated plots. But in low fertility situations can produce spec weights on the lower side.
RGT Wolverine
Group 4
The first BYDV-resistant wheat, offering farmers an alternative to chemical control for the first time. RGT Wolverine is a Group 4 producing high yields, backed by a solid agronomic package and a strong disease resistance profile.