Organic Spring Barley
Popular in the organic sector with long, stiff straw and excellent all round disease resistance combined with very high specific weight. This makes it a great choice for feed but also accepted by end users as a malting barley. Although lower yielding, it is a reliable variety that has performed consistently on-farm with very good straw yield that are required by livestock holdings. One of the best in Pearce organic trials with low sieving losses, and good lodging and brackling resistance.
RAGT Planet
Tamtam x Concerto
Fully approved by IBD for brewing. Medium length straw and good resistant to brackling with bold grain. A fairly short variety, with good resistance to lodging, Mildew and Ramularia but does not show such good resistance to yellow or brown rust. Moderate resistance to Rhynchosporium. Should be considered as a feed as well as malting variety due to its high yields.
Sanette x Concerto
Has a very good agronomic profile on brackling and mildew. Full approval in both Brewing and Distilling (IBD). It has shown very consistent and very high yields across a wide range of environments and seasons. Again with these high yields should be considered for feed barley variety as well.