CIPM1: Integrated Pest Management plan
- Payment: £1,129 for the assessment and plan per year.
- Assess crop pest, weed and disease management on your farm with a BASIS qualified advisor within the first 12 months of your agreement. Reassess your approach to pest, disease and weed management in each subsequent year and update the IPM plan with your BASIS advisor.
IPM4: Pest management plan - No use of insecticide
- Payment: £45 per hectare per year
- We can provide BYDV resistant varieties of wheat and barley to facilitate no use to insecticides
CSAM1: Soil Management plan and Soil Sample
- Payment: £6.00 per hectare and £97 per SFI agreement per year
- Assess the soil for the land parcels entered into this option and produce a written soil management plan. Also test the field parcels for pH,P,K,Mg and organic matter content within the first 12 months of the agreement. The soil sample results are valid for five years and the soil management plan should be reviewed annually for subsequent years.
CNUM1: Nutrient Management plan
- Payment: £652 for the assessment and review report per year.
- Assess your current nutrient use and crop requirements and produce a Nutrient Management Plan with your FACTS qualified advisor. Identify opportunities to increase nutrient efficiency and update the plan annually with your FACTS advisor.
CHRW1: Assess and record hedgerow condition
- Payment: £5 per 100 metres per side of an eligible hedge per year.
- Produce a written hedgerow condition assessment record within the first 12 months of the agreement starting. Plan how to improve the hedges and review the assessment annually.
Pearce Seeds Agronomists can complete these plans for you as well as completing and submitting SFI Applications.