Robot Milking
The benefits of consistency, repeatability and accuracy that a well-designed robotic system offers can transform performance, however, a cornerstone of any systems continued success is the quality of the ongoing hygiene and resulting milk quality.
The CID Lines range of robotic system chemicals is optimised for the systems and manufactures that are commonplace in the UK.
DM Super Clean
DM Super Clean is a strong alkaline cleaner ideal for milking robots. It is safe at high temperatures (chlorine free) and contains Potassium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide. It can be used with warm & cold water, safely circulating in a 0.5 - 1% solution. This product is non-foaming.
PhoCid R
PhoCid R is an acid cleaning agent for descaling of milking equipment including cleaning of milking robots at high temperatures. It contains Acid Monohydrate and Methanesulphonic Acid. This product is suitable for periodic and daily acid cleaning, you need to pre-rinse with lukewarm water. Circulate PhoCid R at 0.5% with water at 50-95'c for 8-15 minutes then rinse with potable water.
KenoCid 2100 5%
KenoCid 2100 is a concentrated cleaning and disinfecting agent based on 5% peracetic acid for the use in CIP systems. Clean the surface thoroughly first and dose at 0.2 - 0.5%. Contact time is 15 minutes followed by a thorough rinse with clean water.