Circulation Cleaners
The contact surfaces of milking and cooling equipment are a primary source of milk contamination and frequently the principle cause of consistently high bacterial counts. Simple, inexpensive cleaning and disinfecting routines can virtually eliminate this source of contamination.
Our range of cleaners and disinfectants include traditional detergents as well as a unique Chlorine Free range and a specially formulated Robot Milking range.
DM Cid is a complex, alkaline blend based on chlorine and potassium hydroxide with cleaning and disinfecting properties, for elimination of grease and proteins.
- Rinse with cold water.
- Clean afterwards with a 0,5% DM Cid solution (temperature 60°C) during 15 minutes.
- Rinse with pure cold water.
25kg & 240kg
Phocid is an acid wash for the removal of calcium & iron deposits. Phocid is suitable for periodical or daily acid cleaning.
- PhoCid is suitable for periodical or daily acid cleansing.
- Pre-rinse with lukewarm water.
- Circulate a Pho Cid solution of 50g/10L (0,5%) water at 40°C-70°C for 8-15 minutes.
- Rinse with potable water.
25kg & 240kg
Routine disinfection of pipelines, dairy utensils & general cleaned surfaces.
- Suitable for in-place disinfection programmes.
- Recommended for use with Blusyl & Q’sol detergents to give sanitising properties.
- Suitable for swimming pool chlorination.
25L & 200L
EcoChlor is an alkaline chlorinated detergent for cleaning and disinfection in CIP installations. EcoChlor is based on hypochlorite.
- Pre rinse with luke warm water before application.
- Circulate a 0.5-2% solution at a temperature of 50-65°C for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with Pure and cold water.
Eco Cid is an acid for cleaning and descaling of all milking equipment. Eco Cid is used preferably after the evening milking session and contains several acids (phosphoric and sulphuric acid)
• Rinse the equipment with clear water.
• Use Eco Cid at 0,5% and circulate the solution for 8 to 15 minutes at 50°C to 70°C.
• Rinse for 3 to 5 minutes with clear potable water.
25kg & 240kg
- Chlorinated Alkaline Powder
- For plant circulation
- 100g/40L hot wash
DM SUPER CLEAN is a strong alkaline cleaner, ideal for milking robots. Safe at high temperatures (chlorine free) and containing Potassium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide, it is safe to use with water warm or cold temperatures, circulating in a 0.5 to 1% solution. DM Super Clean is non-foaming.
KENOCID 2100 5% is a concentrated cleaning and disinfecting agent based on 5% peracetic acid fir the use in CIP systems. Clean the surface thoroughly first and dose at 0.2-0.5%. Contact time is 15 minutes followed by a thorough rinse with clean water.
25kg, 220kg and 1000kg